Friday, November 22, 2013

The Day I Discovered Lipstick

I don't remember exactly when it was, but I was 14 years old. My oldest sister was home for the summer from college. This was a pivotal summer for me. My younger sister, my oldest sister, and I went out every Wednesday to tour the city of Norfolk.

I would put on my best clothes. At the time that was a pair of black trousers from Forever 21, a pair of ballet flats with a bow, a plain shirt, and sometimes a blazer that I had gotten after years about 10 of hand-me-downs.

One day, we all piled into my sisters car to drive to Olde Towne Portsmouth, so we could take the ferry into Norfolk. My oldest sister handed me a tube of lipstick, and said "I don't look good in this color. Put it on and see how it looks." Reluctantly I did so, having never worn makeup outside of performing in my life. It was as if my face changed completely. It looked wonderful. I made sure to reapply regularly throughout our adventures that day.

The color was just a nude shade with hint of pink, too plain for me now, but since then, I have developed a taste for bolder and bolder lipsticks.
Lipstick Collection, Revlon, Adventures in the Past Blog

Lipstick Labels, Revlon, Adventures in the Past Blog
 Since I love the 60's most of all, I have gained a collection of shades with orange undertones, and pale pinks. Orange was increasingly popular throughout the decade (possibly from Elizabeth Taylor's Cleopatra), and you can find massive of "Pink-a-pades" ads for frosty pinks on the internet.

Tropical coral, was my first pink-orange shade, and it goes with about 90% of my wardrobe. It is the perfect, 60's neutral shade of lipstick! Just bright enough to show off the lips, but not as bright as Love that Red by Revlon (center first picture, left second).

Love That Red has been around for almost 60 years. My mother, a natural brunette, was given the color by a friend who didn't like it. She tried it, but found it was a little too orange for her, so she gave it to me. As a blonde, an orange-red is perfect for me. It is my dream red lipstick!

However, I have to discuss the most unique shade of all in this bunch, the solid orange: Siren by Revlon. I researched the shade to no avail. Everything said that it was relatively new, but, I know I've worn it since before they said it was released. Anyway, orange is the lipstick color I think of when I think of I Dream of Jeannie. I grew up with the show, and the vibrant colors inspired me. I remember her wearing lipstick this intense with some of her outfits.

People will say, that this orange is too much, but when it is on, it doesn't look like you'd think:
Twiggy Look, Revlon Siren Lipstick, Adventures in the Past Blog
It is super mod. It is a color better suited to those with fair skin. If you are too tan it may make the tan look fake, so it is tricky for a lot of people. I just want to say, that this shade gets way too much flack for being too intense. It is no more intense than a perfect red.

The rest of my colors are the ones I only wear occasionally (with the perfect outfit).

What I want to say, is, do not be afraid to experiment with lipstick. The perfect shade can change your entire face, and even brighten your mood. I know it did for me the first day I tried it!

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