Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Re-exploring Mad Men

Yesterday felt like two days. I woke up early to vote, then went to an appointment. I was done before 11. I sat in my apartment for a while, when, finally I decided to finish repairing my Christmas skirt (which will be revealed later). When that was done I went out to get Christmas decorations and did up the living room of my apartment. So much, but so little was done. I mean, so many things that took so little time.

So, after re-watching something I have re-watched too many times to mention, I decided to go back into Mad Men. It is so luxurious.
Suits, classic skirts, beautiful jewelry, hair and makeup done to perfection. I had forgotten how much I loved it. It makes me want to get all done up just to go to for a walk. I am working today, so that may cause some problems. Though, I won't lie I have worn a wiggle dress to watch the girls. I want to put on a dress like this:
and head to work. Betty could watch children and keep house in a shirt dress and crinoline, so I can too!

I love Mad Men because of the fashion, but also because of the history. It portrays a time period that is coated in a golden sheen, a time of harmony, as it really was: a time of social turmoil. Women were either housewives or secretaries looking to become housewives. Men were business men who had to go to work every day, and turned to loose women in order to feel more fulfilled.

I have always been interested in the history of the 50's and 60's. So much change went on socially, and this change is often muddled because the people who were alive then, who are alive now, were children at the time, and children always think their childhood was golden. Sorry to go on a long rant, but I love history! Especially mid-20th century history.

I encourage you all to look into the show, it is really enjoyable. It is visually beautiful, the plots are interesting, and the characters unique. And...Christina Hendricks and Joan doesn't hurt:

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